Welcome To Regions In Need!

We are focused on advancing frontline missions among unreached and least reached people groups primarily in Africa and Asia by providing indigenous national pastors, evangelists, and church planters, who work among these groups, with Bible and theological training, mentoring, resources, encouragement, and pastoral care so they can continue to extend Gospel influence to "the regions beyond" (2 Corinthians 10:16), which are indeed, regions in need.

We are a "reaching and teaching" ministry which, simply means we are not content to merely reach people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ without also teaching them His Word.  We believe missions is done best when those who are doing it understand the Great Commission are Bible-saturated, theologically robust, church-yoked, and willing to take risks to make much of Christ by making disciples and gathering those disciples into New Testament churches planted among all the peoples of the Earth. 

We are also involved in assisting our overseas national partners in adorning the gospel (Titus 2:10; 3:14) among unbelievers by ministering to widows, orphans, and refugees. This commitment has led us to adopt an orphanage in Myanmar and start one in Cameroon. Both of these orphanages minister to abandoned and orphaned children. In addition, we also minister to over one-hundred widows in the Northwest Region of Cameroon as well as provide necessities for refugees in Myanmar.

We hope you enjoy your visit on our site.  May God even use it to better clarify His vision for you.

And a great place to start in getting to know us is by viewing the short “Regions In Need Up Close” video below.